Actively protecting our communities, our heritage and our unique ecology from Bradwell B development.


This is a list of impacts compiled from the plans as outlined by Bradwell B.

You may find them useful when communicating with your representatives, friends and neighbours etc. about the extent of this plan and how it will affect us all.

We have not included any geopolitical concerns or anti-nuclear arguments but have kept to the facts based on the proposal document.

Impacts to Residents’ Health, Safety & Wellbeing

  • Construction noise, pollution and associated loss of amenity for a period of between 9 -12 years in what will be the largest construction site in Europe (based on the number of workers compared with `Hinckley C) with an estimated 6 million tonnes of construction
    materials to be transported to the site.
  • Significant road traffic increase along the two B roads into the peninsular posing an increased serious risk of accidents involving an estimated 500 – 700 two way vehiclemovements per day (up 1400 in total) of 40 ton tippers, plus worker buses, contractors and private vehicles
  • Related traffic noise, pollution and damage to local roads & environment along traffic routes, congestion and related loss of amenity across the peninsular from South Woodham Ferrers to the south west to Danbury to the west and all points in-between.
  • Increase in local population based on the 2011 consensus data of 863 residents, of 700% destroying the rural nature of the environment and giving rise to negative social impacts from the mass import of foreign labour that will be living on site (estimated at 6,100 based on a total workforce of 9,100).
  • The worker campus housing some 4,500 people will comprise of units up to six stories high as well as the provision of static and touring caravans, car parks, recreational and welfare facilities situated within close proximity to either the small community of Bradwell Waterside or the village itself in East End Road – either option will cover a
    significant area of land equal to or above the footprint of the current power station.
  • As the proposal for worker accommodation is to provide temporary accommodation for up to 4,500 workers, there is shortfall of 1,600 workers who will presumably be renting in an area where rental accommodation is already in short supply, thereby driving up
    rents for existing local residents, resulting in a housing shortage and rising costs within the wider area.
  • The DCO process allows for up to 500 new homes to be built to help meet this demand.
  • Permanently increasing the population of this rural area, putting substantive additional demands on local resources and infrastructure as well as negatively impacting the local environment.
  • The 3,000 “local” workers being bused in from within 90 minutes of site – in reality with unemployment relatively low within Essex, we would suggest that the numbers of local workers would be far less, requiring even more workers to be imported in to live on or
    local to the site.
  • Loss of amenity in respect to beach and seawall access during construction phase of 12 years – this will include the new english coastal path access.
  • Proposed bulk material jetty in existing deep water – we don’t have deep water, to accommodate the length of the jetty, conveyor and pipeline required, the alternative aggregate pipeline and settlement lagoon would be close to the residential area of Bradwell Waterside bringing an extreme loss of amenity via noise, pollution and eyesore.
  • The preferred option of a beach landing facility would require the building of a roadway across the costal path and a 90 meter platform on the shoreline, destroying the shoreline here permanently with the loss of amenity to residents, visitors and the sailing community. Bradwell B have stated they would wish retain this facility after the
    construction phase.
  • The proposed site boundary will cut through existing properties, including a nature reserve, and abut others including a care home for vulnerable elders and listed buildings, adversely affecting the amenity of residents and visitors.
  • Two nuclear reactors in operation once construction phase completed within close proximity to large populations (Colchester, Southend and Chelmsford all within fall out range, Colchester being sited within the prevailing wind direction).
  • Proposed two new intermediate term nuclear waste and spent fuel storage facilities with no likely hood of a long term solution for this waste, increasing radioactive associated risks into the wider community.
  • New power transmission infrastructure including a large substation – presumably with overhead high voltage lines crossing the landscape.

Impacts to Ecology, Flora and Fauna

  • Loss of land to construction that includes important habitat for flora and fauna.
  • There will be a need for water intake and outfall into the estuary for cooling, scouring the seabed which will negatively impact the estuary ecology, raising temperatures and killing fish stock.
  • Negative impacts on five national and internationally protected nature conservations sites including SSI’s and RAMSAR*
  • Negative impacts on the Marine Conservation Zone including the rare Essex native oyster, mussel and clam stocks.
  • The proposed bypasses, park & rides and truck parks will also have a negative impact on the local environment, fauna and flora – from Danbury to the west and Woodham Ferrers in the southwest, including the beautiful Green Lanes to the north of

Impacts to Local Heritage

The proposed fence line will abut the Othona Roman Fort and St Peter’s Chapel, “heritage sites of exceptional significance”*

The village of Bradwell is in a conservation area with many listed buildings, the character will be destroyed.

The West Mersea Conservation area located across the estuary immediately opposite the proposed site will be blighted by this large industrial complex across the water.

RAF Bradwell retains former runways and associated buildings of significant historical interest, including the control tower, and squadron headquarters, which are under threat.

The extensive area of 230 hectares (that’s just under a square mile and does not include the accommodation area) covered by the proposed site will completely alter this unique and beautiful peninsular from a rural area of farmland, marsh and internationally important tidal estuary and wetlands, into the biggest building site in Europe in the medium term and an industrial landscape in the long term.

The now decommissioned existing power station will be significantly dwarfed by this double reactor complex.

*As stated in the Appraisal of Sustainability Site Report prepared by the Department of Energy and Climate Change in October 2010

If you use these impacts as listed by copying and pasting in correspondence to officials or media, please top and tail them with your comments so that they carry more weight.

Special thanks to Linda Gemmill for researching these impacts.


* indicates required